John Belingheri
October 14 - November 13, 2015
Andrea Schwartz Gallery is pleased to announce the seventh solo exhibition with John Belingheri, opening Wednesday, October 14, 2015.
“Thoughts are patterns that bounce back and forth expressing the vacillating dialogue in my thinking, they become a constant conversation in my head.”
—John Belingheri
John Belingheri’s paintings are an abstraction with pattern, which pushes up to the square edges of the canvas to be included in the formalistic demands of the painting. The work is a range of collected language from other abstract art. The paintings are minimal and postmodern, with a repetitive chant of various patterns, some familiar and many that have recently evolved. “The process of my pattern making comes from haphazard marks and mistakes.”
John Belingheri is a Bay Area artist who has exhibited extensively in the United States and abroad. His work is included in both public and private collections throughout the world. He received his MFA and his BFA from Brigham Young University in 1981 and 1976 respectively.
(More of his works may be found on his portfolio page.)
October 14 - November 13, 2015
Andrea Schwartz Gallery is pleased to announce the seventh solo exhibition with John Belingheri, opening Wednesday, October 14, 2015.
“Thoughts are patterns that bounce back and forth expressing the vacillating dialogue in my thinking, they become a constant conversation in my head.”
—John Belingheri
John Belingheri’s paintings are an abstraction with pattern, which pushes up to the square edges of the canvas to be included in the formalistic demands of the painting. The work is a range of collected language from other abstract art. The paintings are minimal and postmodern, with a repetitive chant of various patterns, some familiar and many that have recently evolved. “The process of my pattern making comes from haphazard marks and mistakes.”
John Belingheri is a Bay Area artist who has exhibited extensively in the United States and abroad. His work is included in both public and private collections throughout the world. He received his MFA and his BFA from Brigham Young University in 1981 and 1976 respectively.
(More of his works may be found on his portfolio page.)